The PDF acronym stands for Portable Document Format, for its well known feature of documents keeping their appearance on different computer platforms and printers.
I do not understand why such a widespread and general interest has produced only one format of this kind, which requires the purchase of an expensive commercial software, which has the monopoly of PDF creation, modification and protection.
In addition, after over 20 years after its introduction, PDF files are still slow to open and view with incredibly powerful machines.
In the era of e-books, it is time for something new.
Sep 22, 2011
May 16, 2011
Premio Innovagiovani 2011
Con la consegna da parte del prof. Claudio Giardini dell'Università di Bergamo di una targa e un assegno di 2000 euro per ciascun vincitore, si è svolta a Parma, durante la fiera MECSPE , la fase finale del concorso culturale “Innovagiovani2011” indetto dalle riviste Lamiera, Macchine Utensili, Stampi e Trattamenti e Finiture edite dalla casa editrice Tecniche Nuove, in collaborazione con MECSPE, i politecnici e le facoltà di ingegneria italiane. I premi sono stati messi a disposizione dagli sponsor dell’evento per tutti coloro che avevano conseguito una laurea specialistica o magistrale riguardante lo sviluppo tecnologico di macchine, processi di lavorazione e/o automazione, sistemi di produzione. Le tre tesi vincitrici, decretate dalla commissione giudicatrice composta dai direttori tecnici della quattro riviste, sono state valutate in base a contenuto, forma, metodologia di lavoro e anni di corso. Tra i vincitori, Alessandro Chiocchetti, che si è laureato in ingegneria dell'Automazione all’Università di Pisa con la tesi dal titolo “Sviluppo e caratterizzazione di un sistema HW/SW semi automatico per la prototipazione rapida tramite inkjet di componenti metallici” con relatori il prof. Michele Lanzetta e il prof. Giovanni Tantussi del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione.
Feb 23, 2011
Riviste tecniche nel settore produzione
- il sito dell'editore italiano Tecniche Nuove con riviste tecniche specializzate, anteprima degli articoli gratuita, l'accesso full-text richiede l'acquisto dell'abbonamento annuale alla singola rivista (in media 50 €). Nella Biblioteca di Ingegneria della Produzione abbiamo la versione cartacea di tutte le riviste Tecniche Nuove di interesse produttivo in cui sono disponibili le password per scaricare le analoghe versioni elettroniche. Principali riviste
- il sito con le riviste dell'editore italiano Fiera Milano Editore nei settori Automazione (Automazione e Strumentazione e Automazione Oggi) e Meccanica (Progettare, Rivista di Meccanica Oggi, Soluzioni di Assemblaggio e Trasmissioni Meccaniche) accessibili con abbonamento come sopra. Alcuni articoli a bassa risoluzione accessibili gratuitamente
Production related Journals and some Impact Factors (IFyear)
Search journal by keywords and abstract
Page maintened 2009-2013
IFxxxx: Impact factor (Year) ISI journal
[S]: indexed by Scopus (if not from Elsevier or Springer)(A)/[1]: references by names/numbers
$ paid publication
G: graphical abstract [mandatory] (optional)
H: highlights [mandatory] (optional)
CV: authors' biography and photo
- International Journal of Robotics Research - Sage IF2012:2.863 1/21 in Robotics
- Journal of Engineering Manufacture - Proc IMechE, Part B Professional Engineering Publishing JEM IF2009:0.3 IF2010:0.640 IF2011:0.725
- Journal of Industrial Technology JIT - ATMAE Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (membership required for submission)
- International Journal of Manufacturing Research IJMR - Inderscience Publishers Ltd online submission
- JSME International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements And Manufacturing
- International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture Elsevier IF2009:1.956 IF2011:2.169 [1] [H] (G) CV
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems -98 ==> Robotics and CIM
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing - Elsevier IF2009:1.687 IF2011:1.173 full-text on-line submission [1] [H] (G)
- International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Taylor and Francis IngentaConnect InformaWorld IF2009:0.494 IF2010:0.553
- American Society of Mechanical Engineering Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME - Freund Publishing IF:~1
- CIRP Annals - Elsevier IF2012:2.251 IF2011:1.708 IF2009:1.603 [1]
- CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology - Elsevier [S]
- CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems - ceased
- International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology IJMST - free First 2 Vols - First 4 Vols - No-ISI ceased 2011
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes - Taylor and Francis IF2009:0.968
- Journal of Materials Processing Technology - Elsevier IF2012:1.953 IF2011:1.783 IF2010:1.2
- International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production - Freund No-ISI No-online - same as above?
- Rapid Prototyping Journal Emerald IF2012:1.000
- Applied Surface Science - Elsevier IF2011:2.103
- Industrial Robots - An International Journal - Emerald IF2011:0.603 [S]
- Journal of Cleaner Production - Elsevier IF2012:3.398 IF2009:1.867
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling - Elsevier IF2009:1.987
- International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Springer IF2009:1.207 IF2011:1.141 home on line
- Assembly Automation - Emerald IF2011:0.584
- International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM)
- Advanced Materials Research - AMR [S]
- Journal of Industrial Textiles IF2009(No-ISI):~1
- Journal of the Textile Institute - Taylor and Francis IF2009:0.368
- Textile Research International - Sage IF2009:1.096
- Production Engineering - Springer Verlag on line
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes formerly Journal of Manufacturing Engineering - Elsevier IF2009:~0.1 IF2010:0.071 IF2011:0000 online
- Measurement - Elsevier ScienceDirect IF2012:1.130 IF2011:0.836 IF2010:0.846
- Metrologia IOP science IF2012:1.902
- Measurement Science and Technology MST IOP science IF:1.494 IF2010:1.353
- Precision Engineering - Elsevier IF2012:1.393 IF2011:1.167 IF2010:1.619 IF2009:0.9
- Measurement Science Review - VersitaOpen IF2012:1.233 IF2011:0.418 IF2010:0.4 (free access, paid publication)
- Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control - Sage IF2011:0.692 IF2010:0.462
- Measurement and Control - UK IF2011:0.178 IF2010:0.222
- Measurement Techniques - Springer IF2010:0.154 IF2011:0.193 (only Russian papers accepted)
- NDT & E International. Independent Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation - Elsevier IF2011:1.477
- MAPAN - Journal of Metrology Society of India - Springer IF2010:0.288
- Metrology and Measurement Systems - Elsevier IF2011:0.764 IF2010:0.587
AI and computing in Manufacturing
- Artificial Intelligence For Engineering Design Analysis And Manufacturing (AI EDAM) IF2007:0.279 IF2008:0.477 IF2009:0.636 IF2010:0.64 IF2011:0.786 IF2012:0.407 (A)
- Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA) Elsevier ScienceDirect IF2012:1.854 IF2011:2.203 IF2010:1.924 (A)
- Journal of Soft Computing - Elsevier ScienceDirect IF2010:2.084 IF2011:2.612 [1] [CV]
- Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) ASME [S]
- Journal of Operations Management IF2010:3.238 - Elsevier
- COR Computers & Operations Research IF2010:1.769 - Elsevier
- Europeran Journal of Operations Research (EJOR) IF2009:1.5 IF2010:2.158 IF2011:1.815 Elsevier ScienceDirect
- JORS Journal of the Operational Research Society - Palgrave Macmillian IF2010:1.102
- Advances in Engineering Software IF2011:1.092
- Management Science - IF2009:2.22
- Journal of Scheduling Springer IF2010:1.297
- The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IJAMT) - Springer IF2009:1.128 IF2010:1.071 full text submission [1]
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing J Intell Manuf (JIMS) Springer IF2012:1.278 IF2011:0.859 IF2010:1.081 IF2009:0.938 online online submission (A)
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering - Wiley IF2011:2.009
- Engineering Computations - Emerald IF2011:1.060
Manufacturing systems
- Institute of Industrial Engineers IIE Transactions - Taylor and Francis IF2009:1.040
- International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (Int J Flex Manuf Syst) 1988-2007 online ==> Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 2008-- info online online submission - Springer IF2008:1.044 IF2009:0.903 IF2010:0.200 IF2011:0.250 [S]
- International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) - EbscoHost Taylor and Francis IF2012:1.460 IF2011:1.115 IF2009:0.803 (A)
- Production Planning and Control - Taylor and Francis IF2009:0.730 IF2010:0.603 IF2011:0.725 IF2013:0.991 online submission Gupta [1]
- Systems Engineering - Wiley IF2009:0.578 disk submission Matta
- Performance Evaluation - Elsevier IF2009:1.560
- International Journal of Operations & Production Management - Emerald IF2011:1.127
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (JAMS) - World Scientific Publishing Co. IF2009(No-ISI):0.17 full-text online submission
- Production & Manufacturing Research - Taylor & Francis open access submit
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems JMSY - Elsevier IF2012:1.070 IF2011:0.639 IF2009:0.216 on-line submit [1] [H] (G) [CV]
Quality and production management
- European Management Journal IF2009:1.636 - Elsevier
- International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) - Inderscience IF(No-ISI)2009:0.52
- Engineering Management Journal EMJ - IEEE IF2010:0.316
- International Journal of Technology Management - Inderscience IF2009:0.419
- Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (JET-M) - Elsevier IF2009:1.243 IF2010:0.737
- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management JMTM - Emerald IF2009(No-ISI):1.04
- International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management IJPQM IF2009:1.04 - email submission
- Journals of The Global Journal of Management and Business Research - gjmbo - global-journal-of-management-and-business-research Total Quality Management and Business Excellence IF2009:0.299/0.44
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management IF2009:~1.5
- International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE) - World Scientific Publishing Co. IF2009(No-ISI):0.37
- Journal of Food Quality
- International Journal of Project Management
- Quality and Reliability Engineering International - Wiley IF2009:1.030 IF2010:0.459
- International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
- Process Control and Quality - IngentaConnect
- Quality Engineering - MetaPress
- International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology
- Quality in Manufacturing
- Economic Quality Control
- Journal of Quality Technology ASQ
Optics and lasers
- Optics & Laser Technology - Elsevier IF2011:1.515
- Optics Communications - Elsevier IF2011:1.486
- Optics and Lasers in Engineering - Elsevier IF2011:1.838
- Healthcare Management Forum - Elsevier IF2009:0.09
- Quality Management in Healthcare - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins IF2009:1.18
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care - Oxford Journals IF2009:1.88
- Journal of Medical Systems - Springer IF2009:0.654
Design and materials
- Computer Aided Design (CAD) IF2011:1.234 submit [1] [G] [H]
- Materials and Design - Elsevier IF2009:1.518
- Journal of Engineering Design (J Eng Des) - Taylor and Francis IF2009:1.580
- Design studies - Elsevier IF2009:0.983
- Applied Ergonomics - Elsevier IF2009:1.105
- Science and Technology of Advanced Materials - IOPScience (free full-text access) IF2009:2.599
- Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) - Springer IF2009:0.592
- International Journal on Computer Vision
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence PAMI
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
- Image and Vision Computing
- Journal of Real-Time Image Processing IF2010:0.962 - Springer
- Sensor Review - Emerald IF2011:0.595
- Computers in Industry - Elsevier IF2009:1.524 IF2011:1.529 [1] CV
- Applied Mathematical Modelling (APM) - Elsevier IF2012:1.706 IF2011:1.579 submission [1]
- Computers and Industrial Engineering - Elsevier IF2009:1.491
- Engineering Optimization - Taylor and Francis IF2009:0.966
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory - Elsevier IF2009:0.799
- Engineering Computations - Emerald IF2009:0.651
- Issues in Science and Technology IF2010:0.479
- Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JPN J IND APPL MATH) - Springer IF2009:0.353
- Journal of Applied Research and Technology JART IF2009:0.061 IF2010:0.220 IF2011:0.145 online submission
- R & D Magazine IF2009:0.03
- International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations free full-text
- ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- American Journal of Applied Sciences AJAS - Science Publications open access $ [S]
- American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences AJEAS - Science Publications open access $ [S]
- Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology RJASET Maxwell $ [S]
- ISI Journal Citation Reports Home JCR-Web 4.5 [paid access]
- ISI Web Search Journal - JCR-Web 4.5 [paid access]
- SJR - Journal Search
- 2012 list from Aitem comparing IF2010 and SJR2011 (about a 20:1 ratio!)
- Rating in 4 classes of the most relevant manufacturing journals, according to the Italian VQR system 2007-10
- Elsevier JournalFinder
Free access multidisciplinary journals (paid publication)
- Scientific Research
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation
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